High School
Ages 14-17
Dedicated to excellence, driven by passion

ISG is officially authorized to offer the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the IB Diploma Programme (DP).
As an IB World School, we are part of a global community of schools committed to developing knowledgeable, caring young people who will be ready to negotiate their futures successfully and make contributions resulting in a more harmonious and peaceful world.

Throughout their years in High School, students develop the skills, approaches and mindsets needed to become increasingly independent in an adaptable and nurturing environment. They follow a challenging academic program while participating in a variety of activities and field trips that actively involve them in the local community and beyond.

ISG high school students have the choice to pursue a full International Baccalaureate diploma (IB diploma), or some IB course certificates. Regardless of the IB DP path chosen, all ISG students receive the ISG high school diploma after satisfying the ISG graduation requirements.
The ISG high school diploma allows students to apply to American universities and also to many private universities in several countries including Italy. Students who also earn the full IB diploma can gain access to even more public and private universities, including those in Italy.

The students’ placement is generally based on the child’s year of birth. We also consider previous schooling and social-emotional needs of the child. Our high school is organised into the following grades:
- Grade 9 (Age 14) | MYP 4
- Grade 10 (Age 15) | MYP 5
- Grade 11 (Age 16) | DP 1
- Grade 12 (Age 17) | DP 2

ISG is authorized to offer the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).
The IB Middle Years Programme is the framework to provide an inclusive and challenging curriculum to students aged 11 to 17. It includes three years of Middle School (Grades 6-7-8) and the first 2 years of High School (Grades 9-10). The IB MYP creates an essential link between our Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). At this stage, students learn through the inquiry-based curriculum, which focuses on equipping them with the skills necessary to be successful in the IB Diploma Programme (Grades 11-12) and in the world today.

When students enter high school, they continue to follow the Middle Years Programme (MYP) in Grade 9 (MYP 4) and Grade 10 (MYP 5), before entering the more individualized pathway of the IB Diploma programme in Grade 11 (DP 1) and Grade 12 (DP 2).
The content of all main academic subjects in Grade 9 and 10 provides the foundation for the academic rigors of the IB Diploma Programme in which students participate in Grades 11 and 12.
All students in Grade 10 will take part in the MYP Personal Project. This is a student-directed extended project which holds high importance in the MYP and reflects the students’ experience of the programme.
The project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and creative piece of work of their choice to demonstrate the skills they have developed in the approaches to learning (such as skills related to research, communication, thinking, social and self management). Each student will have their own supervisor to oversee the process and all learning is celebrated with an end of year Personal Project exhibition.

(GRADE 11-12)
Since 2002, The International School in Genoa has been authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) to offer its two-year Diploma Programme (IB DP) in the 11th and 12th grades (students aged 16-17).
The IB DP is recognized by universities in more than 80 countries around the world. In Italy, the IB DP offers the automatic recognition as an Italian High School Diploma gained in 4, instead of 5 school years of education, with equivalency (equipollenza) to a Maturità Liceo Scientifico, Maturità Liceo Linguistico or a Maturità Scienze Umane, based on the particular combination of subjects a student follows.
All academic programs in Grades 11 and 12 follow the IB Diploma Programme curricula. All students have the option to follow one of the following two paths:
- To be candidates for the full IB Diploma, for which they will need to sit final IB examinations in all academic subjects, following the structure of courses and all other prerequisites prescribed by the IB
- To be candidates for some IB Diploma programme course certificates in one or more subjects after consultation with the school.
Course content in the IB DP emphasizes both breadth and depth of knowledge, and teaching and assessments encourage students to think critically and problem-solve, leading towards individual responsibility in learning.
IB DP students develop competence in at least two languages and are often bi- or multi-lingual. They also have an awareness of a global society, necessary for success in the 21st century.
The IB DP is excellent preparation for entrance (and success at) the best universities in Italy, Europe, and indeed throughout the world.
The IB DP requires students to study six main academic subjects which include at least two languages (at least one of which is a first language), one social science, one experimental science, and a mathematics course. Exams are set and marked by external examiners.
Each subject is graded on a scale of 1 to 7. To earn the IB Diploma, among other things a student must gain a minimum of 24 points in six subjects, complete a programme of extra-curricular activities (CAS), participate in a course called the Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and write an original 4,000-word thesis paper (Extended Essay). The full list of requirements to earn the IB diploma is available from the IB DP coordinator.
Our students’ success is due to a very close student-teacher-family relationship and high academic standards. We guide the students in designing their IB course selections: by the end of Grade 10 the student and family have had several meetings with our IB DP Coordinator/College Counselor in order to design a individual program of studies that:
– Includes those IB DP subjects best suited to the academic profile of the student,
– Will better prepare the student for his/her post-secondary studies,
– Supports the requirements of the student’s potential university destinations, whether those are in Italy, Europe or elsewhere in the world.
Each student must choose exactly six IB DP subjects according to the following guidelines:
- At least one language chosen from group 1
- At least one other language, chosen from either group 1 or group 2
- At least one subject chosen from each of groups 3, 4, and 5
- A sixth subject chosen from group 2, 3, 4, or 6
- Of the six subjects, three must be studied at higher level (HL) and three at standard level (SL).
N.B.: Ab initio languages in group 2 are only available at standard level.
Students are expected to be involved in a variety of activities related to Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) throughout the two years of the IB DP. Students keep track of their progress in meeting the IB’s CAS learning objectives through ManageBac. Some CAS activities in which our students have include:
- Local collaboration with hospitals, schools, retirement homes for the elderly and businesses, helping younger ISG students,
- Sports tournaments (volleyball, basketball, soccer cross country), both local and international
- Talent shows, yearbook, musicals, event organization and many more.
In addition to the above courses, students also take TOK, which allows them to reflect on how they learn, and how knowledge is acquired. This class supports all the other classes as it develops students’ ability to critically think in the context of their other subjects.
Students are assessed through the presentation of an exhibition and a 1,600-word essay on a topic chosen from a list of proposals generated each year by the IB.
The extended essay (EE) is a research paper of up to 4,000 words that allows students to investigate a topic of interest to them from one of their six academic subjects. They become familiar with the independent research and writing skills expected at the university level.
Students start working on their extended essays in the fall of Grade 11 and complete them by October of Grade 12.
The school appoints an advisor to each student according to the subject area chosen. Students carry out their research, writing and reflection according to a pre-established set of deadlines.
The school offers EE workshops to students to present information, provide assistance and work time in order to help students complete the EE.
Since 2004, 200 ISG students (95.2% of our candidates) have obtained the IB Diploma. We are very proud of our students and their achievements. The IB Diploma Programme gave them access to universities and colleges in three continents, in more than 10 different countries.
They have followed degree courses in fields as varied as medicine, engineering, economics, law, international relations / politics, hospitality management, business studies, psychology, communications, fashion, mathematics, and literature, just to mention a few.
The International School in Genoa congratulates all ISG students for their many excellent results! We are particularly proud of how they have faced the challenges of the past years with great tenacity, flexibility, and positivity.

The school day starts at 8:15 am and ends at 3:40 pm. Once a month, students are released at 12:30 as the academic staff is involved in professional development meetings and workshops.