Why choose ISG
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An important decision for your child's future

ISG is authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, the IB Middle Years Programme and the IB Primary Years Programme. The International Baccalaureate curriculum provides the ideal framework in which to promote the concepts, skills, and attitudes that foster this evolution and understanding. The language and culture of the local Italian community offer rich resources to complement and support our school’s philosophy.


riconoscimento parita' scolastica
Starting from the 2023-2024 school year, ISG has officially been recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education for its primary school’s first grade. This means that all classes entering elementary school will be considered equivalent to those in an Italian public school.


ISG located in 6,000 sq m of picturesque grounds in a 14th-century Benedictine abbey. It is in Genoa Quarto, near the city’s prestigious eastern end.
There are well-equipped science labs, an auditorium, an art room, a library, and a cafeteria on the ISG campus. Outdoor facilities such as a sports field, a cross-country track, and freshly refurbished recess areas make the ISG campus an exceptional learning environment.

ISG is a truly international community, with a nice mix of Italian and international children representing almost 45 different nationalities. The international students represent the 38% of our student body. We celebrate the local as well as international cultures with the amazing support of our parents.

ISG dedicates time and passion to build the future of our students. It is team work where the child is at the centre, supported by the school and the family in the process. Our College Counsellor supports each student and family in the search for the university that represents the best fit for the child.

As an inclusive school, ISG welcomes students with different English Language proficiency and different academic needs who require additional resources to become independent learners. In the admissions process, the school collects informatIon in order to offer the support needed by the child. The Language support is offered and is included in the tuition for students of all age groups for the first 3 school years, when needed. Differentiated classes between Italian native and not-native speakers, guarantee to meet the individual language needs of students of the various nationalities.


English is our core language of instruction, but we also offer a rich Italian learning program.
1. Students who are Italian mother tongue speakers follow the national curriculum, studying language, literature, and grammar at a national grade level (Italian A course).
2. Students who are not Italian native speakers follow classes which will help them reaching the fluency in Italian (Italian B course).

ISG currently welcomes 410 students representing 45 different nationalities, nurturing a vibrant and diverse community. With an average class size of just 13 students, we create a close-knit and supportive learning environment, fostering close relationships between students and teachers and promoting the development of strong social skills.

ISG offers a wide after-school program, including sport, cultural clubs, and many other opportunities such as Musical productions, a Model United Nation Club, arts & craft and a swimming class for early childhood students! Secondary students have the opportunity to compete in local and international competitions. Learn more here.